Monday, April 27, 2015

Shocking News on Monday Morning

Well, basically I'm not Monday-hater. I love Monday as I love other working days. However, sometimes, Monday is the most unpredictable day in a week. Monday is very surprising like what happened this Monday.

It was 7.30 o'clock in the morning when I opened my email, like what I usually do every day at my office. I found an email containing very shocking news from my working partner overseas. She told me and my colleague that one of my students, who are joining a program overseas, has just lost her passport, credit card, and some money. Well, this news totally broke my mood today. I knew that my working partner has been handling everything including contacting Indonesian Embassy there. However, it still broke my day. Hope everything would be fine as soon as possible. Now, I keep trying to reach my students there.

At my desk


Friday, April 24, 2015

If You Don't Know Me That Well, Don't Judge Me Ever!!!

Judging seems to be very common habit lately. People do love judging others. No matter what, they keep judging even though they don't know who the person/people they are judging on. To be honest, I don't like judging people. Well, I know I did it, sometimes, but I don't really like doing it. It makes me sick. Emm, sorry to say, but I just don't care about people I don't know well. I don't care for what he/she does. To me, what they do is their own business. As long as they don't bother mine, I won't care what they do.

However, judging-habit becomes my top concern now for I have experienced it many times. I just don't understand why most of my acquaintances love judging others. They said to me and other people nearby that "this girl is blah blah" or "that man is blah blah" even they don't really know the people they are talking about. Please, people, stop doing that! Don't act like a jerk if you don't want people call you a jerk!

If you don't know me that well, please don't say anything about myself which is not true or which you are not sure if it is true. Don't make any opinion based on your own thought if you realize from your deepest heart that your opinion about me is just your own thought which is made by you, yourself. We can be friends since I love making friends. But, don't ever think that we can be friends if you just want to spread some words that are not true about me to others. Don't judge me for what you've seen at me, unless you know me so well.

At my desk
-Self reflection-


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Bekerja = Mengembangkan Diri

Banyak pelajaran yang bisa dipetik dari "Bekerja". Bekerja bukan hanya melulu menggeluti pekerjaan tapi Bekerja juga bisa dijadikan sarana untuk belajar dan mengembangkan diri. Melakukan pekerjaan sehari-hari, bahkan yang monoton, bukannya tidak mungkin untuk membuka kemungkinan bagi kita untuk kembali belajar. Belajar memperbaiki diri, memperbaiki kesalahan, dan masih banyak lagi.

Berbicara mengenai "Bekerja", saat ini aku bekerja di sebuah institusi pendidikan tinggi negeri di kota Gudeg. Kantor tempatku bekerja adalah Kantor Urusan Internasional. Bekerja di Kantor Urusan Internasional adalah hal yang benar-benar baru bagiku. Aku sama sekali tidak memiliki pengalaman bekerja di bidang yang sama sebelumnya. Namun, bagiku, keluar dari zona nyaman dan menerima tantangan untuk bekerja di bidang yang baru adalah sebuah kesempatan emas untuk mengembangkan diri.

Bekerja di Kantor Urusan Internasional melatihku untuk kembali mengasah kemampuan korespondensi dan diplomasi dalam bahasa Inggris. Selain itu, aku juga harus menguasai hospitality untuk tamu asing. Meskipun dulu sewaktu kuliah aku pernah mengambil mata kuliah yang terkait dengan Cross Cultural Understanding dan Service Program Design, tapi nyatanya teori perkuliahan hanya terpakai sekian persen untuk mendukung pekerjaanku yang berhubungan dengan tamu asing. Mau tak mau aku harus memasang strategi learning by doing dan trial and error. Memang terkesan riskan sih, tapi ya mau bagaimana lagi, kalau tidak mau belajar pasti aku tidak akan berkembang.

Dari pekerjaanku inilah aku memetik berbagai pelajaran hidup *ceileehh*. Aku belajar manajerial; bagaimana me-manage pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang datang silih berganti bahkan kadang menumpuk satu sama lain, bagaimana memilah pekerjaan berdasarkan skala prioritas dan urgensi. Aku juga belajar self-management; bagaimana me-manage diri sendiri, me-manage emosi (harus punya stok kesabaran ekstra *hihihi*), me-manage waktu, dan sebagainya. Selain itu, dari pekerjaanku aku belajar bagaimana menjalin kerjasama yang baik dan how to deal with many things and many people. Tak hanya itu, aku juga belajar bagaimana untuk membuat tindakan preventif dan respon positif terhadap sesuatu hal yang sebenarnya tidak diharapkan untuk terjadi namun ada kemungkinan untuk terjadi.

I love my current job. Aku mencintai pekerjaan yang sedang aku lakukan. Bekerja di Kantor Urusan Internasional adalah salah satu cita-cita kecilku. Cita-cita yang lain adalah Bekerja di Kantor Imigrasi maupun Kantor Kedutaan. Kenapa demikian? It's because I love working with foreigners. I love working with many people from overseas.

At my desk
Refleksi sehabis menjalani hari dan jam-jam yang super hectic selama 2 bulan terakhir ini.


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Perayaan Hari Kartini di Kantor

Hello readers!
Hari ini, Selasa, tepat tanggal 21 April 2015 yang mana adalah Hari Kartini. Siapa itu Kartini? Kenapa ada Hari Kartini? Seluruh rakyat Indonesia pasti tahu siapa itu Kartini. Kartini atau Raden Ajeng Kartini adalah salah satu pahlawan perempuan di Indonesia kelahiran Jepara 21 April 1879. Beliau pelopor gerakan "emansipasi wanita" di Indonesia. Berkat kegigihan beliau dan semangat beliau yang menyala-nyala untuk memperjuangkan hak-hak perempuan dan gender equality, banyak wanita Indonesia yang terinspirasi. Oleh karena itu, dicetuskanlah Hari Kartini untuk memperingati hari lahir beliau.

Ngomong-ngomong tentang hari Kartini, sudah menjadi kebiasaan bagi mayoritas masyarakat di Indonesia untuk memperingatinya dengan parade pakaian adat. Meskipun Kartini berasal dari Jawa (Jawa Tengah) tidak berarti pakaian adat yang dipakai untuk parade harus dari Jawa. Justru moment ini juga dijadikan untuk mempromosikan Bhineka Tunggal Ika (alias keragaman Indonesia dari segi suku, budaya, adat, dll yang disatukan dalam satu tanah air Indonesia).

Gegap gempita Hari Kartini juga terasa di kantor tempatku bekerja. Kebetulan aku bekerja di Institusi Pendidikan Negeri, jadi angin gempita perayaan Hari Kartini mampir juga di kantor. Alhasil, kami para staff perempuan, khusus untuk hari ini, memakai Kebaya. Bukannya kenapa-kenapa sih, tapi lucu-lucuan saja. Sebelum mulai bekerja seperti biasa, kami menyempatkan diri untuk foto-foto. Semoga Hari Kartini selalu menginspirasi setiap wanita di Indonesia.

Aku, Lina, Shinta, Nina, & mb Monik


Monday, April 20, 2015

Antara Aku dan Kebiasaan Menabung

Menabung hampir selalu menjadi sebuah wacana bagiku. Terkadang aku sudah sangat excited-nya untuk menabung dan sudah mengumpulkan pundi-pundi yang lumayan, namun hal ini tidak bertahan lama. Pernah sudah sampai sekian juta, kemudian ada saja hal-hal yang kemudian membuatku menguras tabungan, seperti: laptop mendadak mati, tas mendadak rusak, ada buku-buku bagus yang terbit subsequently, dan lain sebagainya. Alhasil, menabung adalah hal yang cukup sulit untuk aku lakukan.

Saking susahnya menyisihkan uang tanpa mengutak-atiknya di kemudian hari membuatku memutuskan untuk menjadikan "MENABUNG" sebagai salah satu resolusi 2015 ini. Mulai dari "nol" kataku waktu memutuskan untuk memasukan kegiatan menabung dalam daftar resolusi 2015. Sejak Januari lalu, aku mulai menyisihkan sebagian gajiku untuk ditabung, yah meskipun masih bolong-bolong alias masih sering aku comot untuk kebutuhan tak terduga yang sangat urgent tapi setidaknya saldo tabungan di bank masih bisa dibanggakan :)

Selain menabung, perencanaan keuangan yang baik harus menjadi salah satu plot yang wajib aku jalani demi terciptanya status financial yang kuat *ahh, bahasanya vickynisasi sekali*. Maksudnya, biar pengeluaranku lebih terkontrol. Toh, aku juga termasuk pekerja kantoran yang punya gaji pokok, jadinya membuat perencanaan keuangan bulanan bukanlah hal yang mustahil untuk dilakukan karena selalu ada income yang stabil tiap bulannya.

Post ini aku buat untuk self-reminder agar aku nggak asal-asalan lagi menggunakan gajiku tiap bulannya. Syukur-syukur bisa menabung dan bisa digunakan untuk traveling, memenuhi kebutuhan mendadak, memulai suatu bisnis, atau hal-hal lain yang memuaskan batin.



Short Trip: It's Enjoyable, eh?

Short Trip. What do you think about that phrase? Relieving? Unsatisfying? or what? Well, short trip is kind of an escape for me. Yeah, I've been doing some short trips lately and I like it. Here I will share my ideas about short trip and why I like doing it.

Doing busy job currently makes me want an escape to refresh my mind and recharge my energy. This 2015, I have taken some short trips to some places. First, I went to Bogor. Honestly, it's not a kind of vacation but it is an "away duty" in which my co-worker and I should do such presentation for promoting our institution. However, I enjoyed this short trip very much since I could at least visit Bogor and spent a day in that city.

Second, I went to Bandung. It was such a nice escape since I spent my weekend by visiting some places, such as Tangkuban Parahu, Pemandian Air Panas Sari Ater, and more. Unfortunately, my trip partners and I failed to visit Ciwalk mall and Cibaduyut shopping center due to heavy traffic jam for we have to reach the train station by 5pm. But, that's not really matter for me since I could spend my weekend in Bandung and enjoy some view there.

For me, short trip is satisfying and relieving (even though it may last only 2 days) since I can escape from my daily routines. I can enjoy new things and new atmosphere from the places I visit during my short trip. And what I enjoy the most from doing short trip is the journey. I mean, I like spending my time on the road. I like using various kinds of transportation, such as car, bus, plane, train, ship, and even motorcycle. I can see many things even various kinds of people during the trip. As the bonus, I may find awesome yet gorgeous scenery in which I rarely find in my hometown.

Next trip, I plan to go abroad. I wanna visit some countries and I will begin with Asia. I have bought two round trip tickets. One for this year and the other one for next year. I am so excited with my upcoming short trips.

So, what do you think about short trip? Are you motivated to pick one?


Friday, April 17, 2015

"Zonk" Moments This Week

Hi readers!!

Today is Friday. It means that this is the last day of the week I'm going to work and do my duty, then I will enjoy weekend. What happens in my office on Friday is that most of the workers are wearing Batik. You know, Batik is one of world's heritages which originally come from Indonesia. I love wearing Batik too because I feel wearing Batik does not only show our culture but it also makes us exotic :)

Poor prologue. Back to the topic! Do I refer to a topic yet? Blah! I haven't even stated what my topic for this post is. Pardon me. Well, what I'm gonna say on this post is what has been going on in my life lately. I must confess that I just made a passport. It's kinda late but it is better than never having it, right? I made my passport manually, I mean, I didn't use online method to apply for it. I just want to experience the process of making passport manually. So, here we go!

First of all, I went to the Immigration Office (Kantor Imigrasi Kelas 1 Yogyakarta). Honestly, I planned to apply for e-passport but the Immigration Office in Yogyakarta doesn't provide this option yet. So, I applied for regular passport (which they call it "ordinary passport"). O ya, for your information, I arrived at Immigration Office at almost 7am, and there were a lot of people queuing for the same reason, applying for passport. I got number 40, by the way.

When it came my turn, I had to prepare all the documents including the form I had filled before. There, the officer checked all the documents, including the original ones, then asked my several questions. The questions were very basic and I thought it was very easy to answer them. The officer was very friendly.

Afterwards, I had to wait outside until the officer called out my name. It took more than an hour to wait outside before I took picture and finger-print scan for my passport. Then, here come the "zonk" moment! I came inside and got my picture taken. I checked the whole data of my-self to make sure that everything is correct. After that, the officer said to me that he could not issue the, what should I call it, "proof of application"? (yah, whatever!), to pay the expense at a bank. I had to wait for another day.

The next day, I came to the same office for getting the proof of application so that I could pay the expense at the bank. I got it, finally. But, another "zonk" moment came once again. The line for entering the payment code at the bank was offline. It means that I had to go to the bank the other day. What a waste!!!

Finally, yesterday I paid all the expenses required to proceed my passport. Then, what I should do next is visiting the Immigration Office next week to get my passport. I wish that there will be no more "zonk" moment I should go through. ^^

*Sorry for this unnecessary post. It's just my attempt to kill the time before attending a meeting. So, enjoy your day guys!!*


Saturday, April 11, 2015

Hello Again ^^

Hi readers!!

Woaa! It's been a year I'm no longer touching this blog. I'm sorry for being missing. Even so, I'm very happy knowing that there are still many readers visiting my blog frequently. To be honest, I got new job 6 months ago. It's a bit crazy and it takes most of my time daily. Besides, I have another confession (please don't laugh at it), I forgot the password of my gmail account so I can't access this blog anymore. Fortunately, I got it back by digging my stuff and flipping my brain, LOL!! No, I'm kidding. I just got it by looking at my old note :)

Well, I hope I can do better this year, I mean, I can write many things again and share many "absurd, weird, sometimes useful" things again on this blog. 

That's all I can say. So, once again, HELLO! and thank you for keep visiting my blog and reading my "old and so yesterday" posts. I wish you the best!


Bonus: Meet my new kitties Tom (black) and Louie (tabby) ^^

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